Sunday, July 5, 2009

Shoe Size NOTES of Interest

International ShoeSize Chart Notes
>The Mondopoint system is the same as measuring the foot (not the shoe) in Millimeters (or Millimetres, mm.). However, some companies treat Mondopoint as Centimeters (Centimetres, cm.). So a shoe may be labeled either 240 (mm) or 24 (cm) if it is designed for a foot that is 240 millimeters long (including some wiggle room for socks). You may see mondopoint sizes with two numbers separated by a slash, e.g. 240/95. The second number is the width of the foot in millimeters.
>American Women's shoe sizes are the same as American Men's shoe sizes plus 1½.
>Canadian shoe sizes are equivalent (identical) to American shoe sizes for both Adult and >Children's, Men and Women.
>Mexican shoe sizes plus 1½ are the same as American Men's shoe sizes.
>British shoe sizes plus 1 are the same as American Men's shoe sizes. However, I see many tables using a formula of British size plus 1½. Check with the manufacturer.
I saw one table on the web indicating British womens running shoe sizes were 1.5 plus mens size. I think this is incorrect and mistakenly applied the United States sizing rule to the U.K.
>Japanese shoes sizes are American Men's shoes sizes plus 18. (Some companies say add 19.)
>Europe uses a system that came from the French called Paris Points (aka Parisien Prick). One >Paris Point equals two-thirds of a centimeter. The system starts at zero centimeters and increases. There are no half sizes. American size 0 is the same as 15 Paris Points.
1 Centimeter (Centimetre) is 10 Millimeters (Millimetres).
1 Inch is 2.54 Centimeters (Centimetres).
Length in Inches = 71/3 + (US Men's shoe size)*1/3
Paris Points = 311/3 + (UK shoe size)*4/3.
>A Chinese 7 is a UK 4. That's all I know at the moment about sizes of shoes in China.
>Australia and New Zealand use the same shoe sizes as the United Kingdom for boys, men and girls. However, I have seen women's shoe charts where Australia is 1 or 2 sizes bigger than U.K... I added an entry with one size bigger.
>Korea measures shoe sizes in millimeters (mm.).
>I am told Turkey uses European shoe sizes.
>There are two scales used in the U.S. The standard (or "FIA") scale and the common scales. The "common" scale is more widely used. The scales are about ½ size different.
Although different kinds of shoes prefer different measurement systems, I believe the charts work for all kinds of shoes. (With the caveat of the variations mentioned above.) I have been looking into army, military, ski, hiking, climbing boots, ladies pumps, high-heeled, spike and dress shoes, as well as sneakers, designer shoes, gentlemen's shoes, causal, penny loafers, sandals, and other styles. I have not been researching children's shoes in much detail. The sizes above are also good for soccer, golf, running and other sports shoes. I have not tried bowling shoes or blue suede sneakers. I intend to get more detail on Nike, Reebok, and Adidas due to the strong interest in running shoes for people coming to this page.
If you have information or can point me at information about additional measurement systems of systems used by different countries I would be grateful. (I am interested in Latin America and Eastern Europe.)
>Russian and Ukraine shoe sizes taken from NOTE I am told these values are incorrect. Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR use European shoe sizes. There is no difference for men, women, girls and boys. In the 1980s a system using shoe sizes measured in centimeters was introduced. The change was not widely accepted. You can occasionally find shoes measured in centimeters, but most are marked with European system.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009